Jori Anne Reigle, DNP, MS, RN, FNP-C

Primary Care Provider for 2 years, Registered Nurse for 9 years

Currently in a certificate program to become a dual-certified and license family nurse practitioner and psychiatric/mental health nurse practitioner
Completed – Doctor of Nursing Practice from University of Michigan-Flint, Masters of Science from DePaul University, Bachelors of Arts from Ohio Wesleyan University, post graduate education at University of Connecticut and Yale University

Why do you love what you do?
It is a joy to come to work each day for new adventures and learning along with my patients. My goal is to deliver care that meets the patient’s health goals rather than deliver care dictated by what I or others think should be their health goals. It is a joy to work alongside a patient as a partner in their health.

Hobbies/Personal Interests:
Running, playing Uno with my family, learning new things, and participating in activities through my church and other community partners